Our Services
Pembroke Chiropractic offers a full array of chiropractic services. Whether you have a sports injury, lower back pain, arthritis of a joint, or scoliosis, our doctors will work with you to achieve your optimal health. You can learn more about our services by reading this section of our website.
Sports Injuries
Though there is no such thing as a "safe" sport, highly competitive sports, such as football, weightlifting, gymnastics, and wrestling, pose particularly higher risks of injuries, especially among children.

Chronic headaches and migraines afflict many Americans. The severity of pain can go from mild and intermittent to episodes of debilitating throbbing, unrelenting agony, as well as nausea.

Whiplash is an injury to the cervical spine, or neck, and occurs when the muscles and other soft tissues are hyperextended or hyperflexed.

Children and Chiropractic
Childhood is often a very physical time full of running, jumping, and falling that can lead to nerve-damaging subluxations.

A woman’s center of gravity is shifted to the front of her pelvis during pregnancy. This causes stress on the pelvic joints and the lower back. As the baby grows inside, this added weight causes a curvature to the lower back and places stress on fragile facet joints. This also brings out or worsens any pain that could attributed to any preexisting problems in the woman’s spine.